If you're new to buying on HubSwirl's, welcome! Thousands of items, from the
practical to the peculiar, are waiting for you.
As auctions close, the system will email notifications to the sellers and
high bidders of individual auctions. This notification will include all
information necessary to close the sale. It will also indicate whether or not a
reserve was met.
The bidder and the seller should contact each other to discuss payment and
shipping. Please make every effort to make contact as soon as possible after the
close of the auction, preferably within 3 days.
What if I won, but my Seller won't sell to me?
First, if the auction is a Reserve Price Auction and the Reserve is not met, the
Seller is not obligated to sell the item to you.
If this is a listing without a Reserve Price or Seller exclusions (for example:
Seller states they won't sell to buyers with Negative Feedback), the Seller is
obligated to sell to you.
What if I can't reach my seller?
Like you, Sellers can have emergencies, illnesses, or computer problems. Check
your Seller's Feedback to see what other users have said. If there is mostly
Positive Feedback with little or no mention of problems, be patient. Your Seller
may not be able to respond to you right away for legitimate reasons.
If you get no responses through email, you can request your Seller's phone
number. After a reasonable amount of time, if you are still unable to contact
the seller via email or phone, you can leave appropriate Feedback to alert other
bidders about your experience.